Bayit Publishing

Bayit Publishing creates and curates resources for seekers, driven by our core belief that all are called to build the Jewish future. We produce materials across and beyond all streams of denominational life, designed both for readers who are Jewishly fluent and readers who are new to Jewish learning. Our offerings are aimed at empowering people to claim an active stake in building Judaism together.

Parshanut / Torah Commentary

Blessing from Broken: A Spiritual Journey Through Torah

Blessing from Broken: A Spiritual Journey Through Torah explores Torah through the lenses of psychology, midrash, poetry, and dream. Author Judith Sarah Schmidt, approaching 90, harvests a lifetime of therapeutic practice and deep archetypal work. As we journey with her through a year’s cycle of Torah, she invites us into every soul’s task: seeking authentic wholeness that doesn’t pretend away what’s broken, but rather lifts up life’s shards to reveal the holiness within. Read more about it on its own page. Coming soon.

Daughters of Eve

Sally Wiener Grotta’s Daughters of Eve is a collection of feminist Torah essays accompanied by workbook / discussion questions. Its 12 essays by Sally Wiener Grotta explore the nature of living in the 21st century through the filter of the stories of the women of the Hebrew Bible. It’s designed to facilitate exchanges not only about religion or the Bible, but about how our reflections on those ancient female archetypes influence and reveal who we are today. Read more about it on its own page. Available for $18.

Longing for the Blessing: Midrashic Voices from Toldot

By Judith Sarah Schmidt. In poetry and prose, psychologist and dream scholar Judith Schmidt plumbs the depths of the stories in the Torah portion named Toldot, “Generations.” Her midrashic (aggadic / narrative) imaginings yield new insights into familiar figures, and her interweaving of Torah with family history illuminates how our Torah stories are always about our ancient spiritual ancestors and also about us.

This is the second edition of a book originally published by Time Being Books in 2013, now with a new introduction by the author. Available for $20.

Life Lessons from Recently Dead Rabbis: Hassidut for the People

By Rabbi Mark Asher Goodman. Life Lessons from Recently Dead Rabbis: Hassidut for the People is a book of Hassidic texts with contemporary commentary, meant for anybody who is seeking a little spiritual and moral guidance. The great Hassidic masters believed that all human beings were brought into the universe with purpose, and that a worthwhile life involves analyzing and reflecting on that purpose. The purpose of this book is to bring out these life lessons for the next generation – an independent and bold generation that is more diverse, more feminist, more queer, more individualistic, and perhaps more reflective than ever before. Available for $22

A Year of Building Torah

A Year of Building Torah is a volume of parshanut (Torah commentary) accompanied by #VisualTorah, featuring a variety of voices (both clergy and lay) from across and beyond the denominations. Built on the foundation of Bayit’s animating principle — that the Jewish future is always under construction and that all of us are tasked with building that future — these essays explore Torah through a building-focused lens. Each is accompanied and uplifted by Steve Silbert’s #VisualTorah sketchnotes. Read more about it on its own page, where you’ll find list of contributors, praise for the volume, and more about what’s inside. $18.

Prayer / Siddurim and Mahzorim

Visual Mahzor

Bayit’s Visual Mahzor is a selection of art arising out of the Torah and Haftarah readings for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, curated by Justin Sakofs. Bayit’s Visual Mahzor can be used as a companion during services. It can also be a source of meaning for those who may not attend high holiday services regularly or at all. It provides a doorway into the stories and themes of the high holidays no matter where you are: in synagogue, on a mountaintop, recuperating from illness, caring for a loved one, or any of the many places where we might be when this year’s holidays roll around. Read more about it on its own page. Available for $36.

Renew Our Hearts: A Siddur for Shabbat Day

Published jointly by Bayit and Ben Yehuda Press. Renew Our Hearts balances tradition with innovation, featuring liturgy for morning (shacharit and a renewing approach to musaf, the “additional” service of Shabbat and festivals), afternoon (mincha), and evening (ma’ariv and havdalah), along with curated works of poetry, art and new liturgies from across the breadth of Jewish spiritual life. Read more about it on its own page, where you’ll find list of contributors and more. Available for $18-36 (regular or large-print), with a discount for ten or more copies.

Beside Still Waters

Our first print publication is a volume for mourners entitled Beside Still Waters: A Journey of Comfort and Renewal, published jointly by Bayit and Ben Yehuda Press.  Beside Still Waters contains materials for before death as well as for the stages of mourning, times of remembrance, and more.  $18. Read more about the book on its own page, where you’ll find list of contributors, praise for the book, and an excerpt of what’s inside. (There’s a discount for bulk orders of 10 or more copies.)

Poetry and (Spiritual) Practice

From Narrow Places: Liturgy, Poetry, and Art of the Pandemic Era

Edited by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat. From Narrow Places collects poetry, liturgy, and art co-created by Bayit’s Liturgical Arts Working Group — a pluralist group of rabbis, liturgists, and artists — during the first eighteen months of COVID-19. “From the narrow place, I called to You; You answered me with Your expansiveness,” says the Psalmist. We cried out from the pandemic’s narrow place, hoping to access holy response in our expansiveness of liturgy, poetry, and art. These offerings of word and image are tools for “building Jewish” that we hope speak to the spiritual needs of this moment and beyond. Read more about it on its own page, where you’ll find praise for the volume, list of contributors, and more about what’s inside.  Available for $18.

Color the Omer

Color the Omer is a tool for counting the Omer with mindfulness and beauty. These illustrations offer a meditative focus and an artistic activity for each day of the journey between Pesach and Shavuot, along with short teachings designed to spark your own internal revelation as you color. A collaboration between Dr. Shari Salzhauer Berkowitz and Bayit Builder Steve Silbert. $13. Read more about the book on its own page.

In the Light of Peace

In the Light of Peace is a volume of curated liturgical poetry in partnership with congregation Ner Shalom, designed for use in liberal Jewish settings across and beyond the denominations. Edited by Leiah Bowden with co-editors Rita Rowan, Sally Churgel, and Abby Bogomolny, these poems speak of death and dying, revelation, gratitude, loneliness, love, resentment and forgiveness — and more. $18. Read more about the book on its own page.