Ethics at Bayit

Bayit’s root metaphor of “building” includes “right use of power” in spiritual systems, including our own.  Mindful that boundary violations, conflicts of interest and other ethics challenges can undermine even the strongest foundations of creativity, wisdom and excellence, Bayit begins by focusing our ethics gaze inward – on ourselves.  As we build together, we aspire to model ethics-aware transparency, diligence and continuous R&D (research and development).

In that spirit, everyone in the Bayit system – Board, staff, major content contributors, etc. – has been asked to fill out and submit a straightforward disclosure on ethics and conflict of interest.  This “intake,” based on best practices in the field, is now standard policy for everyone who joins Bayit’s building teams.

Bayit _ Ethics Disclosure [PDF]

If you have questions or concerns, or wish to raise an ethics issue concerning anyone in the Bayit system, please contact us confidentially.