The Journey of Teshuvah – Repentance and Repair

Bayit builders Rabbi David Evan Markus and Rabbi Rachel Barenblat are creating an eight-week series based on Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s On Repentance and Repair.  The class is designed to run from Tisha B’Av to Rosh Hashanah, and then there will be one session that can be taught during the Aseret Yamei Tshuvah, in the lead-up to Yom Kippur or on Yom Kippur itself.  This workshop in spiritual preparation for the Days of Awe also offers elements of book discussion group and text learning opportunity. 

For each class there’s a guide to make teaching easier alongside slide decks with sources, etc. to use as teaching resources, either for Zoom-based or in-person teaching. Find the materials here: The Journey of Teshuvah – Repentance and Repair.

Holy at Home

Intrducing Holy at Home, a set of six editable slide decks for the Days of Awe created in preparation for the first pandemic high holiday season, 2020 / 5781. Read all about it, including what’s in it, how to preview the slides, and how to donate to receive an editable copy, here at Builder’s Blog. During the pandemic we also began curating and publishing digital resources for the festival year including new poetry, liturgy, and art to meet the needs of this moment and beyond, including those collected here and in From Narrow Places.