Bayit initially launched under the fiscal sponsorship of The Jewish Studio, which is “seeking to revive the joyful spirit of traditional Judaism in the modern world.” Deep thanks to The Jewish Studio for helping bring Bayit to life.
As of fall 2020, we have received our own 501(c)3 nonprofit status, and you can donate directly to Bayit; thanks for your support!
All donations to Bayit are fully tax deductible pursuant to Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).
First Keystone Funders
Bayit extends deep gratitude to Bayit’s first Keystone Donors, who are helping lay the groundwork for building Bayit’s future:
The Eleanor M. and Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation
The Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation
Laura Cutler
Neil Kishter
Rabbi Shohama Wiener
Thank you for your vision and support, and for sharing our passion for building the Jewish future.