
Korach: Rebels vs Reactionaries, and Strength in Diversity (Numbers 16:1-18:32)
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Beha’alotcha: Queering Chronology (Numbers 8:1 – 12:16)
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Nasso: On PaRDeS and Speaking Out Against Judgmental Literalism
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Parsha Shoftim, Capital Pride, and Building our Bayit
This week’s parsha, Shoftim, describes four main forms of communal…

Transphobia Is Not A Jewish Value
By Rabbi Mike Moskowitz (he, him)
Reb Yisroel Salanter,…

Counting on LGBT+ Jews for Shavuot
The Torah was never given to an individual, but rather to a nation.…

Atoning for the Spiritual Abuse of Conversion Therapy and From Conversion to Allyship
Atoning for the Spiritual Abuse of Conversion Therapy

Coming out against hate for Shavuot
This weekend we celebrate, with pride, G-d’s…