
Building Jewish From the Foundations Up, R’ Dara Lithwick in Conversation with Tyler Samuels

Why don't the boards of most major Jewish organizations have…

Ordering for Humanity

On Purim we embrace the disorder of the ונהפוך הוא,…

Digital Afikomen: Building the “Seek and Find” Online

Here's a stellar example of adapting the physical to the digital,…

Palabras del Torá / a “vort” of Torah from R’ Sunny Schnitzer

Bayit offers video “vorts” (words of Torah / teachings from…

Approaching Our Second COVID Seder

New from Bayit's Liturgical Arts Working Group comes this…

Seder for the Seventh Night, by Rabbi Evan J. Krame

Reposting this in 2020 to make it easily findable now: from…

New Questions for Seder 2020

For those who can't read images, or who want to copy-and-paste-…

Palabras del Torá / a “vort” of Torah from R’ Sunny Schnitzer

Each month Bayit offers regular video “vorts” (words of Torah…

Resources for Pesach in a Time of Quarantine

It may be hard to imagine a seder during sheltering-in-place…

Febrero 2020: Palabras del Torá / February 2020 Torah video

Palabras del Torá / a "vort" of Torah - R' David Markus from…