Seeking Submissions for Jewish Doorways
A contest for heart, spirit, and mind. We are expanding JewishDoorways,…
How does Gratitude Change the World? A Prayer for Anger by Trisha Arlin
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This prayer comes from liturgist Trisha Arlin,…
Mah Nora HaMakom Hazeh – a chant for (digital) sacred space
One of the challenges of convening a group for prayer over…
Psalm 27 – a new translation by Rabbi Jamie Arnold
Here's a new translation of Psalm 27 by Rabbi Jamie Arnold.…
Ashrei á la the Dalai Lama
This variation on the Ashrei uses quotations from His Holiness…
The Mishkan’s Next Digital (R)Evolution
Reb Zalman Memorial Shabbaton 2020
June 13, 2020 • 21 Sivan…
Transform Your Bayit For Social Emotional Learning: Jewish Parenting 2020 / COVID-19 Distance Learning Survival Skills
As the sun is about to set on another school year, parents/caregivers…
A New Melody for Gratitude
From founding builder Rabbi Bella Bogart comes this new setting…
Seder for the Seventh Night, by Rabbi Evan J. Krame
Reposting this in 2020 to make it easily findable now: from…
Resources for Pesach in a Time of Quarantine
It may be hard to imagine a seder during sheltering-in-place…