Writing in Conversation with the Torah
Authors Sally Wiener Grotta and Judith Sarah Schmidt discuss…

Coming in February: Daughters of Eve
When you think of Eve and Lilith, Sarah and Hagar, Rebekah, Esther,…

Coming in 2024: Blessing from Broken
is delighted to announce

Ki Teitzei: On the Health of Our Planet (Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19)
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Chasing Justice, Outside and In
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Va’etchanan: Whitney Houston, Camp, and Building our Future
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

If We Build: D’varim 5783
It’s Shabbat Hazon, the “Shabbat of Vision.”…

Matot-Masei: And All for One: Building the Spiritual Ethic to Join “Another’s” Cause
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through…

Pinchas: Demanding rights, then and now (Numbers 25:10- 30:1)
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Hukkat-Balak: Who Is Responsible for Burying the Dead?
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…