Coming Closer Through Protest / Graceful Masculinity – Balak

Part of a periodic Torah series on graceful masculinity and Jewish…

Palabras del Torá / a “vort” of Torah from R’ Bella Bogart

Each month Bayit offers regular video “vorts” (words of Torah…

Seeking Submissions for Jewish Doorways

A contest for heart, spirit, and mind. We are expanding JewishDoorways,…

Ashrei á la the Dalai Lama

This variation on the Ashrei uses quotations from His Holiness…

Being Real, Digital Edition

Once there was a toy rabbit who yearned to become Real. He loved…

The Mishkan’s Next Digital (R)Evolution

Reb Zalman Memorial Shabbaton 2020 June 13, 2020 • 21 Sivan…

Palabras del Torá / a “vort” of Torah from R’ David Markus

Each month Bayit offers regular video “vorts” (words of Torah…