Amidah Offering: All This Power / Gevurot
The second blessing of the Amidah speaks to a God of gevurah:…
Va’etchanan: Whitney Houston, Camp, and Building our Future
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…
For This Year’s Tisha b’Av
Here are three resources for Tisha b'Av -- one new for this year,…
A Week of Building With the Bayit Board
Every summer the Bayit board gathers…
If We Build: D’varim 5783
It’s Shabbat Hazon, the “Shabbat of Vision.”…
Matot-Masei: And All for One: Building the Spiritual Ethic to Join “Another’s” Cause
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through…
Pinchas: Demanding rights, then and now (Numbers 25:10- 30:1)
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…
Covering My Head
How could one little doily mean so much?
Growing up what…
Hukkat-Balak: Who Is Responsible for Burying the Dead?
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…
Korach: Rebels vs Reactionaries, and Strength in Diversity (Numbers 16:1-18:32)
Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…