
Amidah Offering: Gratitude / Hoda’ah
“We are grateful before You.” Is gratitude innate? Is it…

This Broken Matzah: Pesach 2024
How do we celebrate Pesach in a year like this one? Everything…

All Four (Are One)
Bayit's Liturgical Arts Working Group is collaborating on a new…

Amidah Offering: Holy / Kedusha
The third blessing of the Amidah speaks of kedusha, holiness.…

A Hashkivenu for MLK Weekend Shabbat
These words from the Rev. Martin Luther King z"l (of blessed…

Amidah Offering: All This Power / Gevurot
The second blessing of the Amidah speaks to a God of gevurah:…

For This Year’s Tisha b’Av
Here are three resources for Tisha b'Av -- one new for this year,…

A Week of Building With the Bayit Board
Every summer the Bayit board gathers…

Amidah Offering: Ancestors
The first blessing of the Amidah names God as "God of" Abraham,…

Amidah Offering: Adonai S’fatai
During the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, Bayit gathered…