
Megillat Covid: Five Offerings for Tisha b’Av

Here are five offerings for Tisha b'Av, each available as…

Mah Nora HaMakom Hazeh – a chant for (digital) sacred space

One of the challenges of convening a group for prayer over…

Being Real, Digital Edition

Once there was a toy rabbit who yearned to become Real. He loved…
Screencap from the video

Mayo 2020 Palabras del Torá / May 2020 Words of Torah from R’ Rachel Barenblat

Palabras del Torá / a "vort" of Torah - R' Rachel Barenblat…

Bringing Sketchnoting to the B-Mitzvah Classroom

The first time Steve Silbert sketchnoted one of my divrei Torah,…
Collage of images from the retreat

Innovating, learning, recharging

Cross-posted from Velveteen Rabbi: reflections on this year's…

Enero 2020: Palabras del Torá / January 2020 Torah video

Palabras del Torá / a "vort" of Torah - R' Rachel Barenblat…

Happy Chanukah from the Builders at Bayit!

Chag urim sameach #BeALight this Chanukah as we move past the…

Mission Statement: Listen. Remember. Connect. Build.

  Part of a yearlong Torah series on building and…

Keystones: Great for Buildings, But Not for Relationships

Part of a yearlong Torah series on building and builders…