
Amidah Offering: Gratitude / Hoda’ah

“We are grateful before You.” Is gratitude innate? Is it…

This Broken Matzah: Pesach 2024

How do we celebrate Pesach in a year like this one? Everything…

New from Bayit Games: Middot Meditations

Announcing the newest release from Bayit Games: Middot Meditations,…

Amidah Offering: Holy / Kedusha

The third blessing of the Amidah speaks of kedusha, holiness.…

Amidah Offering: All This Power / Gevurot

The second blessing of the Amidah speaks to a God of gevurah:…
image of geologic layers representing four levels of Torah interpretation, with text that says "drilling through the pshat, remez, derash, gematriot and sod to gain deep meaning of a Torah verse is hard work. Using literal interpretation to justify division and judgement rather than to love cheapens Torah and does harm to humanity."

Nasso: On PaRDeS and Speaking Out Against Judgmental Literalism

Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an ethic…

Amidah Offering: Ancestors

The first blessing of the Amidah names God as "God of" Abraham,…

As Yourself: Acharei Mot-Kedoshim

Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an…

Ki Tisa: Reproductive Justice and Wisdom of Heart

Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through an…

Parsha Tetzaveh and Shabbat Zachor: Be a Light

  Part of an ongoing series that explores Torah through…