Being Real, Digital Edition
Once there was a toy rabbit who yearned to become Real. He loved his Boy, and he was loved by his Boy. And when his Boy fell ill, the toy […]
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Rachel Barenblat contributed a whooping 257 entries.
Once there was a toy rabbit who yearned to become Real. He loved his Boy, and he was loved by his Boy. And when his Boy fell ill, the toy […]
Reb Zalman Memorial Shabbaton 2020 June 13, 2020 • 21 Sivan 5780 מה נורא המקום הזה How awesome is this body! How awesome is this place! How awesome is this journey […]
Each month Bayit offers regular video “vorts” (words of Torah / teachings from Jewish tradition) offered in or translated into Spanish, designed for Cuban Jewish communities and available to Spanish-speaking […]
As the sun is about to set on another school year, parents/caregivers and educators agree that it’s been extremely challenging three months. Distance education is not new. But given the […]
Palabras del Torá / a “vort” of Torah – R’ Rachel Barenblat from Bayit: Building Jewish on Vimeo. Each month Bayit offers regular video “vorts” (words of Torah / teachings […]
From founding builder Rabbi Bella Bogart comes this new setting for Modah Ani, the morning gratitude prayer. She writes: Modeh Ani, meaning “I give thanks,” is a morning prayer traditionally […]
Reposting this in 2020 to make it easily findable now: from founding builder Rabbi Evan J. Krame comes a haggadah — not for the first or second night of Pesach, […]
For those who can’t read images, or who want to copy-and-paste- a transcription: How is this night the same as other Passovers in the past or in the imagined future? […]
Each month Bayit offers regular video “vorts” (words of Torah / teachings from Jewish tradition) offered in or translated into Spanish, designed for Cuban Jewish communities and available to Spanish-speaking […]
It may be hard to imagine a seder during sheltering-in-place or quarantine. But the Passover seder is a home-based ritual that can be meaningful even when one is homebound. Even […]