Authors Sally Wiener Grotta and Judith Sarah Schmidt discuss… Barenblat Barenblat2024-03-06 20:18:192024-10-29 10:32:22Writing in Conversation with the Torah
When you think of Eve and Lilith, Sarah and Hagar, Rebekah, Esther,… Barenblat Barenblat2023-12-26 16:59:242024-02-01 09:15:01Coming in February: Daughters of Eve Barenblat Barenblat2023-12-03 16:29:312023-12-25 00:20:24Coming in 2024: Blessing from Broken
This Broken Matzah: Pesach 2024
All Four (Are One)
New from Bayit Games: Middot Meditations
Writing in Conversation with the Torah
Remixing the Amidah
Amidah Offering: Holy / Kedusha
A Hashkivenu for MLK Weekend Shabbat
Coming in February: Daughters of Eve
Coming in 2024: Blessing from Broken
Our Collective Heartbreak