Parsha Shoftim, Capital Pride, and Building our Bayit
This week’s parsha, Shoftim, describes four main forms of communal…

Transphobia Is Not A Jewish Value
By Rabbi Mike Moskowitz (he, him)
Reb Yisroel Salanter,…

Why we trash(ed) our shuls for Tisha b’Av
Many liberal Jews ignore Tisha b’Av, or don’t know it’s…

On Reconciliation, Building, and Bereishit
Yesterday was the first National Day for Truth and…

Building God’s Home Within
Part of a yearlong Torah series about building…

Pressing Down: On Baking Community Leaders
Part of a yearlong Torah series on spiritual building…

Communities of safety and repair
Part of a yearlong series on Torah’s wisdom about spiritual building and builders.

Creating Sacred Spaces
Reprinted from The Times of Israel.
As we read these parshiyot…

Power Tools for Spiritual Building
Part of a yearlong series on Torah wisdom about building and…