A Meditation for Channeling Blessing

During 5781, a group of Bayit builders, led by R. Cynthia Hoffman,…

Martyrology slides for Yom Kippur from R’ Evan Krame

From founding builder R' Evan Krame comes this set of slides…

Isaiah + Sounds of Silence: video

Last year we shared a Yom Kippur haftarah from founding builder…

Ushpizin: liturgy for Sukkot in time of covid

Sukkot this year will be unlike any other. Some of us won't…

Why Shabbes Matters… Especially Now

When we “went in” (started sheltering-in-place) for covid-19…

Megillat Covid: Five Offerings for Tisha b’Av

Here are five offerings for Tisha b'Av, each available as…

A Psalm for Zoom

Here's another resource for sanctifying the placeless place and…

Contemporary shiviti by Steve Silbert

A shiviti is a visual tool designed to aid Jewish meditation,…

Announcing Holy at Home

Many communities face Days of Awe this year that will be streamed…

Psalm 92 by Rabbi Ben Newman

  This rendering of Psalm 92 was written by Rabbi…