For Earth’s Sake: Days of Awe 5783

New from Bayit's Liturgical Arts Working Group comes this offering…

Mad at Alan Lew

I’m mad at Alan Lew. I know he died in 2009, and I hope…
community leaders sitting in a circle of chairs

Parsha Shoftim, Capital Pride, and Building our Bayit

This week’s parsha, Shoftim, describes four main forms of communal…

A Week with the Bayit Board

I load my car with my guitar, my computer, tallit and tefillin,…

Quotes for the Reverse Omer

A glimpse of R. Jennifer Singer's Reverse Omer Quotes calendar. From…

Allyship and Rebuilding the Temple

In this month when we mourn the destruction of the Temple,…

A Tisha b’Av of Hope

Many Jewish professionals I know secretly (a few, not so secretly)…

Hymn for the Hurting – for Tisha b’Av 5782

Here's a liturgical rendering of the amazing Amanda Gorman's…

For the Sake of Ascent: Tisha b’Av 5782

New from Bayit’s Liturgical Arts Working Group comes this…

Introducing the Graceful Living deck

Introducing the Graceful Living Deck The Graceful Living deck…