community leaders sitting in a circle of chairs

Parsha Shoftim, Capital Pride, and Building our Bayit

This week’s parsha, Shoftim, describes four main forms of communal…

A Week with the Bayit Board

I load my car with my guitar, my computer, tallit and tefillin,…

Quotes for the Reverse Omer

A glimpse of R. Jennifer Singer's Reverse Omer Quotes calendar. From…

Allyship and Rebuilding the Temple

In this month when we mourn the destruction of the Temple,…

A Tisha b’Av of Hope

Many Jewish professionals I know secretly (a few, not so secretly)…

Hymn for the Hurting – for Tisha b’Av 5782

Here's a liturgical rendering of the amazing Amanda Gorman's…

For the Sake of Ascent: Tisha b’Av 5782

New from Bayit’s Liturgical Arts Working Group comes this…

Introducing the Graceful Living deck

Introducing the Graceful Living Deck The Graceful Living deck…
Tricolor blue pink and purple trans flag billowing in the wind with blue sky in the background and sunlight shining through the top right corner

Transphobia Is Not A Jewish Value

By Rabbi Mike Moskowitz (he, him) Reb Yisroel Salanter,…

Why we trash(ed) our shuls for Tisha b’Av

Many liberal Jews ignore Tisha b’Av, or don’t know it’s…