For the Sake of Ascent: Tisha b’Av 5782
New from Bayit’s Liturgical Arts Working Group comes this…

Introducing the Graceful Living deck
Introducing the Graceful Living Deck
The Graceful Living deck…

Transphobia Is Not A Jewish Value
By Rabbi Mike Moskowitz (he, him)
Reb Yisroel Salanter,…

Why we trash(ed) our shuls for Tisha b’Av
Many liberal Jews ignore Tisha b’Av, or don’t know it’s…

Counting on LGBT+ Jews for Shavuot
The Torah was never given to an individual, but rather to a nation.…

A Second Chance for Accessibility: Pesach Sheni
G-d’s creation of the world was thoughtfully intentional.…

We Live in a Society: Teachings from Kedoshim for Right Now
My son and I often say, "We live in a society." For us it's…

Magnifying beauty: Tiferet and #ColorTheOmer
Those of us observing the ritual of Sefirat HaOmer, the counting…

Bein Gavrah as a Spiritual Offering
Arts and crafts was always my favorite activity as a kid, and…

Building Jewish From the Foundations Up, R’ Dara Lithwick in Conversation with Tyler Samuels
Why don't the boards of most major Jewish organizations have…