A #1 New Release!

With deep thanks to everyone who’s shown an interest in this volume, and especially to the incredibly talented liturgists, poets, and artists whose work appears herein, we are delighted to be able to share that From Narrow Places: Poetry, Liturgy and Art of the Pandemic Era is Amazon’s #1 New Release in Inspirational and Religious Poetry this week!

Read more about the book on its own page, and also on that same page, if you’re so inclined you can click through to pick up a copy.

About this book, Rabbi Vanessa Ochs, PhD writes:

From Narrow Places gives language and imagery to the Jewish spiritual creativity that is still holding us up through the pandemic. I pray that speedily in our days we will look back at this volume as a testimony to how Jews of one era weathered a crisis and emerged even stronger. For now, it chronicles how the richness of Jewish living, full and fluid, is holding us up in these challenging days. I will confess: each page unlocked doors to my unexamined disappointments, sorrows and even deep joys. Many tears, but good ones.

We hope what’s in these pages will speak to you, too.