
I Have A Dream Haftarah

Building (For) God

Part of a yearlong series mining Torah’s wisdom about spiritual…

Power Tools for Spiritual Building

Part of a yearlong series on Torah wisdom about building and…

First Build: Seven Foundation Principles for Spiritual Builders

Part of a yearlong series about building and builders inspired…

Isaiah 58 + Sounds of Silence

From Rabbi David Markus comes Isaiah 58 (from the haftarah reading …

You’re Building the Jewish Future – Yeah, You!

It’s an audacious idea – that a Jewish future needs to be…

Two poems for Rosh Hashanah Day 2

From Rabbi David Markus comes this setting of two poems in haftarah…

Chanah in poetry and trope

This poem by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat and Rabbi David Markus is…

Nevertheless She Persisted

by Rabbi David Markus, 2018 This trope mash-up of Esther and…

Renewed haggadah for Tu BiShvat

Tu BiShvat Haggadah 5778 from Rachel Barenblat Designed…