Two poems for Rosh Hashanah Day 2

From Rabbi David Markus comes this setting of two poems in haftarah trope, intended for the second morning of Rosh Hashanah.

The first is Mary Oliver’s “Invitation,” with its poignant reminder to pay attention and to be ready to change one’s life. The second is Stanley Kunitz’s “The Layers,” which offers a lens on teshuvah with the motif of turning, and ends “I am not done with my changes.”

Invitation (Mary Oliver)

RH2 haftarah DEM – Mary Oliver (Invitation)

To download in high resolution, click here: RH2 haftarah DEM – Mary Oliver (Invitation)[pdf]

The Layers (Stanley Kunitz)

To download in high resolution, click here:  RH2-Haftarah-The Layers [pdf]