Almost Forty Days

How long does it take to return? That depends… It’s…

Quotes for the Reverse Omer

A glimpse of R. Jennifer Singer's Reverse Omer Quotes calendar. From…

A Tisha b’Av of Hope

Many Jewish professionals I know secretly (a few, not so secretly)…

Hymn for the Hurting – for Tisha b’Av 5782

Here's a liturgical rendering of the amazing Amanda Gorman's…

For the Sake of Ascent: Tisha b’Av 5782

New from Bayit’s Liturgical Arts Working Group comes this…

Why we trash(ed) our shuls for Tisha b’Av

Many liberal Jews ignore Tisha b’Av, or don’t know it’s…
rainbow quilt

Bein Gavrah as a Spiritual Offering

Arts and crafts was always my favorite activity as a kid, and…

Reflecting Greatness on Purim Katan

The story is told of a person carrying a very heavy parcel…

Joanne Fink in From Narrow Places

  Find Joanne's work:,,…

Rachel Barenblat in From Narrow Places

  Find Rachel's work:, Velveteen…